Thursday, September 25, 2008

Days 11 and 12

I'm happy to say that we made it until payday with the groceries we had in the house. I spent $125.38 today and that includes some items that we definitely don't "need". Now I hope to make this food last until next payday (two weeks). I have $109.88 left in the budget and 18 days left.

I'm not too keen on having Claire ride the bus. She really, really wants to this and I do let her...sometimes. (when I'm sure that my friend's older daughter will be riding). The other day I was driving her to school and she said she met the school dog.

Her elementary school has a school dog that the counselor uses as part of her work. Evidently the dog is very therapeutic for some kids. Claire asked what she does and I tried as best I could to explain the job of a school counselor.

There was a moment of silence and then, "Mom, I think you need to go talk to a council-ate-or."

I tried to remain really neutral about this comment while all these thoughts went through my mind. My daughter thinks I'm depressed or upset. Maybe she thinks I yell too much. Maybe.... So I took a breath and asked, "Why do you think Mommy needs a counselor?"

"Because you're so stressed out about this bus thing."


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