Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 2

Wow. We had quite a storm. School was delayed two hours and preschool was canceled. But it was a nice fall day. We spent the two hours picking up tree limbs and sticks in our yard and the girls worked on our neighbor's yard, too. They were having a ball. We went on a scavenger hunt looking for things that blew away in the night: our grill cover, some chairs, a small table.

We all walked C to school and I listened to, "Why are we walking?", "This is sooo far." I reminded them that this is the same school that we walked to all summer to play on the playground. But, I understand. It's a much more enjoyeable walk when your just going to play.

Finally drove the van, though. (first time since Friday) Soccer practice is too far to walk. I love watching five and six year olds play soccer. I wasn't sure whether or not we should sign C up because it makes dinner time and bed time a bit of a rush. But she loves it and Ted coaches so it's exercise and time with Dad. I'm glad we did it.

Overall not a bad day. No money spent.

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