Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Crunchy Leaves

C's first day of Kindergarten is tomorrow. We're leaving in a few minutes for a playground visit and a picnic. I know some areas have summer for a few more weeks (or more), but we have a short summer here up north.

I saw crunchy fallen leaves on the sidewalk when I went for my morning walk this morning. There are just a few leaves falling. It's as if Autumn is saying, "Ahem, did you forget about me? I'll be visiting soon." I was so surprised to see them there. I don't know why- it's September.

I like fall. I like the crisp weather, nature's beautiful colors, and all the pumpkins, mums, hot cocoa and cider. I think that C's impending entree into school is making this a bittersweet season change. I long for just a few more days with her before she starts what will likely be 17 years of school. Am I being dramatic? Maybe, but I'm ok with that. She's the first child I've sent to Kindergarten and I can't believe she's five already.

So I know I'll be grieving a bit tomorrow, but I'll also be making a list of all the autumn sights, smells, tastes and activities that I love to share with my kids. I'm so grateful to have this time with them. And I'm grateful for those leaves this morning that reminded me how short the time really is.

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